Urbanism 03: Renewal

Urbanism 03: Renewal

ADAPTIVE REUSE Evolution is an inescapable mechanism in the process of existence – it is the pure embodiment of adaptation and change. Colloquially referred to as ‘survival of the fittest’, man adapted to his surroundings in order to ensure survival. Architecture and...
Urbanism 02: Blight

Urbanism 02: Blight

URBAN BLIGHT Life and death are as fundamental to the existence of beings as it is to the existence of the urban fabric. Industrialization has brought with it urbanization ever since the Industrial Revolution. The growth and expansion of Johannesburg is not excluded...
Urbanism 01: Morphology

Urbanism 01: Morphology

FOREWORD In this series of articles titled Urban Morphology, Blight and Renewal. The first article, Urban Morphology explores the nature of the urban environment and how its many foundational qualities mingle to create something almost lifelike, often referred to as...